Posted in Poem

Spare a thought for your accountant 

Spare a thought for your accountant 
He’s trying to do his best 
To earn a decent living 
Just like all the rest 

Doing all that double entry’s 
Not as easy as it looks 
It takes years and years of practice 
To cook a set of books 

But when the debits and the credits 
Don’t add up quite as they should 
Staring at the door or window 
Doesn’t do a lot of good 

It’s said two things are sure in life 
Death and taxes are the pair 
But one more fact is certain 
Your accountant’s thinning hair! 

The tax rules alter constantly 
He struggles to keep pace 
Tax, NI and VAT 
Etch deep lines in his face 

And even when the job is done 
The client may not pay 
So your accountant’ll keep a’counting 

Until retirement day


I'm not sure what to say about myself - I never know what to put here...I'm a married fortysomething female, who has a chocolate Labrador called Rosie. I love music, films, photography, walking, and reading.

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